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label                    Declares a List of Labels

   <lab>, <lab>, ..., <lab>;

    You must declare labels before using them in your program, much as you
    must declare constants, types, and variables. In Standard Pascal,
    labels are declared first, before constants, types, variables, and
    subprograms, and only one set of label declarations is allowed in a
    given subprogram or program. Turbo Pascal allows you to declare labels
    anywhere before the main body of a program or subprogram, and you can
    have as many LABEL statements as you wish.

           <lab>    In Standard Pascal, a sequence of one to four digits.
                    Turbo Pascal allows labels to be of any length and to
                    contain letters.

  -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

             All, Around;

             Writeln ('Over and over');
             goto Around;
             goto All

See Also: goto
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